
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

With you! For you! Always!

That's what Delhi Traffic Police would like us to believe. And I, for one, want to believe.

I called up the DTP helpline and had an interesting conversation- well, remarkable enough to be blogged about.

KC: I am calling from Vasant Kunj. This is to inform you that a traffic signal situated at the T-point of Sector D1 is not working. It starts working at 8:05 in the morning but before that, it does not and this leads to major traffic jams in the area.
DTP Official: What is the red light number?
KC: I do not know.
DTPO: What is the red light name?
KC: I do not know. (Inner mulling- do red lights have names? Like Ram, Shayam, Tom?)
DTPO: How can I help then Madam? I need to know where exactly the red light is…
KC: It is at the turn for Sector D1.
DTPO: (Very patiently) That does not help me Madam. I don't know where Sector D1 is, I haven't been there. I need a prominent landmark.
KC: Well, there is an Aggarwal Sweets nearby.
DTPO: (Absolutely patronizingly) Well, there is an Aggarwal Sweets around every corner. How does that help me?
KC: (Inventing wildly & a tad forcefully) It is known as the Sector D1 red light. That's the landmark.
DTPO: Fine. Ok. We'll see what can be done.
KC: Thank you. How will I follow-up on this complaint? As in how can I track the status?
DTPO: Follow? Track? (Long breath and in a tone taken to talk to a 5 year old) You will know when the red light starts working, won't you?
KC: (Hangs head in shame) Yes, of course. Thank you.

At the end of this chit-chat I realized that I am no where close to being teez than a panchvi pass. As rightly pointed out, I should have had my facts ready. And what do I need to track anyway- the number of jalebis the DTPO will have at Aggarwal Sweets?

Blatantly ignoring my logical incompetency here, let's focus on the outcome of this particular call. I logged a complaint last Thursday. This Monday the stop light was working. That is the kind of power the police is dispensing to the local populace these days. In fact, it is quite possible that the traffic sign was rectified over the weekend and was fully operational by Sat or Sun but then I did not take the trouble to ascertain that, did I?

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the DTPO and I think it's amazingly awesome that suddenly we have such a proactive traffic police force- a body that is both smart and savvy. For someone who stays miles away from social networking sites, I find it amusing that even I am aware that Delhi Traffic Police is now on Facebook. When responsible citizens bring to light gross traffic violations for the convenience of the police, the DTP's page status goes: "Relax and chill people. We are looking into all complaints and grievances!" How kewl!

Please do visit the DTP web site. It has fun poetry like:
Accident brings tear, safety brings cheer.
Don't be a hell mate, wear helmet.
Don't be rash, let's you crash.
Caution and care make crashes rare.

And then on a serious note, it's commendable that there is a growing sense of accountability and responsibility all around. Cheers to a brighter, safer and hassle-free future of traffic in Delhi!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Harry Potter and Maut Ke Tohfe!

Did Warner Bros. one fine day in their wrong mind, read my blog? Really? Well, let's not ask the wrong question and instead celebrate the cinematic progress of the Harry Potter franchise. Almost 70% of the cast came of age during the filming of the series, but apparently so did the technique and method of shoot.

The amazing thing about the 7th HP book was that it was extremely fast-paced and full of adrenalin that made it immensely enjoyable and succeeded in firing the imagination of its readers, without the bang and boom of audio-visual aids. To match that level of intensity in the movie would always be a challenging task.

Part 1 of the 7th HP movie tries it's best to remain loyal to the book and it does manage it admirably. It succeeds at various levels from establishing the characters and their various actions to explaining the tale and its numerous twists. This is a huge leap from the disastrous showcase of the 6th movie where the meat of the 6th book was simply glossed over.

It always is difficult to convert books into movies. A lot is lost, just like in translation. The intent with which a book is written is different from the intent with which it's captured on screen. No wonder the director's vision is different from the writer's idea. But, the underlying fact remains that they both are telling the same story and "nothing is more telling than a story".

A lot of times while reading books, I tend to imagine and visualize them in their onscreen avatar. Some stories are in essence so powerful that their progression to the big screen is indeed the next logical step in the process of evolution. And therein is where lies, the curse and boon of a good story- it just might in the process of this conversion lose its soul.

The pen has always been mightier than the sword, but when did it become swankier than the camera?

men to the last movie that will end an era!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh, Sinnerman, where you gonna run to!

The following video depicts a step by step manual that teaches how to return a stolen painting and steal another one and go through all this trouble just for the fun of it. I know it's kinda old but quite a lot of fun and still all golden. Hope it proves to be educational!

From the movie- The Thomas Crown Affair
Clipped from- You Tube

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Poetic Compliment!

My tribute to Pablo Neruda’s Book of Questions:
Does brightness conceal the coat of dark or does darkness hide behind the cover of light?
Do colors truly ever mix?
Can music live without instruments?
Where can I buy sleep?
Why do stars hide when they are needed the most?
How loud is the breaking of a heart?
What color is the sky when it’s feeling blue?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

tO lOOk Or nOt tO lOOk?

There is something that has been bothering me for a while. Not really, bother bother but it does intrigue and fascinate me; it is not really a problem of philosophy per se but it does have certain reflective connotations associated with it.

My question, is simple- to look or not to look?

Looking involves directing all energies towards the pursuit of whatever is that is being sought- a relentless, persistent search. Is there not a prevalent conspiracy theory that talks about wanting something so badly that the entire universe starts conspiring in helping one achieve it- what 'The Alchemist', 'The Secret', 'Om Shanti Om' etc have been trying to drill into us? That means I can actually find out who gave the Joker his scars? Amazing! (And, no, even in the face of overwhelming evidence it is not Rajnikanth)

On the other hand, is there not an equally established school of thought that promotes the "Don't seek and you shall receive" theory? For example, when you have lost something and are frantically looking for it or when in the middle of a conversation an all important word eludes you, is it not highly recommended to immediately halt the exploration and cease rummaging around? And is it not believed that after a few anxious moments, just like that, as if carried by the wind, the spectacles will be found perched atop the head and another curse word will simply pop into the mouth?

To summarize, there are 2 scenarios- one where you look and look and look…
And in the other situation, you look but then decide not to look for sometime and kaboom, you find what you were looking for.

So dear Reader, what do you think- which solution should one look up to? Which one would work?

P.S. - Personally, I think sunglasses should be worn all the time. No, it won't answer my query but at least no one would know if I were looking or not!

Friday, October 8, 2010

10 Reasons Why People Create A Blog And Then Ignore It

Reason 10: Somebody (of course a well wisher with the sincerest intentions) told them that they can write.

Reason 9: They know and believe that they can write.

Reason 8: They are laziness-personified. They idolize Garfield and believe that inherent lethargy is a genetic trait that cannot and should not be messed with. They like to stretch the idea that a personal blog can never be updated, to its maximum limit so that the idea itself snaps with a loud creak. Was it that or the sound made by suddenly moving bones that have been idle for ages?

Reason 7: They, by fluke, once sent a piece of their work that they really despised, to an online writing reviewer/tutor. The tutor appreciated and encouraged their work but they firmly believe that the tutor was a habitual drunk who cannot be trusted.

Reason 6: They have a personal TV recently moved in their room. They watch one series after another and the re-runs and end up being zonked out and in general an idiot.

Reason 5: They think they can write.

Reason 4: They get the weirdest issues to resolve at work. They end up replacing a single beautiful simplest line of code in the world with 30 lines of the wackiest ugliest piece of code every seen by humankind. And then ensuring that this clutter ends up looking the same on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and whatever-is-the-name-of-the-newest-browser. Not that anyone said that office hours (total hours minus hours spent taking tea/lunch/chit-chat/loo breaks) are meant for writing blogs but that's not what we are talking about, are we?

Reason 3: And if killer work is not trying to strangulate them, it's Mother Nature taking her revenge. Sometimes the scorching sun tries to fry them, other times vengeful clouds attempt to drown them. As if Delhi traffic and roads were not enough to bring them in close contact with death everyday, the climate decided to join the slaughter party too.

Reason 2: They have the attention span of a fly. There are so many things happening in the immediate surroundings that it becomes humanly impossible for them to retain their focus. And so when they are trying to keep up with world events, they have a dekko at other writers' blogs and repeatedly question their self what was I thinking and then, more importantly, why was I thinking?

Reason 1: They feel they can write.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hindi Ki Tangi

I come across this foot-board everyday and every time I wonder what these words mean. I also wonder why exactly my Hindi is so very poor. I could easily do a Googli and figure out the meaning but I kind of wanted to ascertain my depth of Hindi illiteracy and also to know how many fellow country men and women are as bad as I am, if not worse. So, if you happen to visit the blog and know the correct meaning of any of the words depicted above and listed below, do leave your comment and contribute towards my national tongue GK. Thanks in advance!

A showcase of my limited knowledge:

Steel Plate- This I know!
Phatte- I think wooden planks and not Chak de phatte.
Pallu- The sari wala Pallu?
Chali Balli- Did they mean Chalu Billi?
Kolam- No idea.
Pani Ka Drum- This I know know!
Jeene- Ladder, if me not wrong.
Lafa- One tight slap?

As you can see, any help will be highly appreciated.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Angrezi Khana Anyone?

This is an actual menu from a real restaurant at a place called Ayas, Turkey.




Ayas soap
Turkish tripte soap
Sheeps foot
Water pies


Deuner kepab with pi
Kebap with green pe
Kebap in paper
Meat pide
Kebap with mas patato
Samall bits of meat grilled
Almb chops


Meat in earthenware stev pot
Stfue goreen pepper
Stuffed squash
Stuffed tomatoes z
Stuffed cabbages lea
Leek with finced meat


Brain salad
Cacik - a drink made ay ay
And cucumber


Fried aggs
Scram fried aggs
Scrum fried omlat
Omlat with brain


Stewed atrawberry
Nightingales nests
Virgin lips
A sweet dish of thinsh of batter with butter

Circa- 1986; Source- In Xanadu, William Dalrymple

Monday, February 8, 2010


What with Gulzar sahib being dragged into a controversy that I believe shouldn’t even exist in the first place, no one in this country seems to be creatively safe. Ibn Batuta Pehen Ke Joota, Nikal Pade Toofan Mein is the line that’s caused plagiarism charges to fly up and down, left and right. And Ibn Batuta, Bagal Mein Joota is the line that’s caused Hindi poet Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena to jump and twist in his grave. Somehow everyone seems to totally have overlooked the fact that Mr. Ibn Batuta did exist and that too non-controversially. Did he or did he not have a Joota, that’s the pertinent question to ponder over.

Anyway, what this little fracas has done is that it has made me realize that I am such a chor. Super-chor, in fact. I get inspired my some many quotes/expressions/phrases/sayings etc and these inspirations end up as titles or even sentences on my blog that I’m sure in the current let’s-give-credit-where-it’s-due atmosphere I’ll end up being beaten up by Rashtriya/AntarRashtriya Sahitya Sevak goons.

So, just so that I don’t end up in a dump or drain, I’m going to set the record straight and go ahead and express my heartfelt apologies to all those individuals to whom I may have caused irreparable harm, both knowingly or unknowingly. Additionally, I avow that no copywrite infringement was ever intended or unintended, and absolutely none whatsoever, zilch, financial gain is being made!

I am an Idiot- Are you?- To the team of Aamir, VVC and Rajkumar Hirani. And just to on the safe side, sorry Chetan too.

Back!- To my no-longer-there Yoga teacher.

Bow Wow- To the RHD and his doggy.

Shayari Sunao Madam?- To all the residents of Fatehpur Sikri including the goats.

No Kidding!- To Rakhi Sawant. Okay, strike that- no way am apologizing to her!

Aana Jaana- To the Gujjar community and as an extension to the Meenas.

Khel Khel Mein- To a lot of people here- MCD, CWG, CAG, CM SD, all the places and spots in Delhi- the list continues and so do my sorrys.

Kaminey- Dhan Te Nan!- Again, to loads of people- the entire creative of Kaminey. I am the biggest kamini!

A Sawaal of Crores- To Deepika Padukone and to Saif too- I apologize on behalf of my sister!

Bhainth of a Lifetime- To my weirdly-loving brother. If the comments are any indication, I got quite a lot of flak already.

Aai La! She-lie-a!- To Shiela Ma’am and her ideology.

Pic of the Year!- To the Pandit dudes.

Harry Potter and the Nostalgia of July- To Harry, J. K. Rowling and all the wizards and witches in the world.

A tale of 3 subzees- To Ghiya, Tori, Tinda, Parwal, Karela.

We Don’t Need No Reservation- To Pink Floyd. And no, no apologies to male politicians.

TPA- To the staff at Rockland Hospital.

AngLes and DeMoans- To the workers at Sangam theatre and the makers of “Kafann”.

Déjà Vu!- To the staff at Fortis Hospital.

Dung Ho!- To hyenas and their shit.

The thing is- did I even need to go through all this trouble? My blog is so very unknown, it may almost be non-existent in this big bad world where the words inspiration and copy can be used interchangeably. I think I’m gonna continue with the chori and bezaati, I don’t know any other form of writing and that’s the only thing I should be sorry about!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am an Idiot. Are you?

This is to inform and educate all the dim-witted out there who haven't caught 3 Idiots yet, that they should go watch it immediately and promptly and proudly confirm their status as an Idiot.

This post is not about the merits of the film nor is it a review of the movie. Both the merits and reviews are aplenty and have already been discussed aplenty. What this post is about is my extreme happiness- happiness that I have been so right about the Hindi Film Industry. Of my belief in the "system".

The last year had been particularly path breaking- of experimental cinema, of young blood, of new visions, of varied themes, of veiled social messages, of the celebration of love and sexuality aaj kal, but most importantly of the appreciation of the viewer's mental faculties. Dev D, Gulaal, Delhi 6, Kaminey, Love Aaj Kal, Luck By Chance, New York, Paa, Rocket Singh, Wake Up Sid, 3 Idiots were all not the oh-so-typical Bollywood masala flicks. They were smart, slick, polished and professional packages. Arrival of world-class cinema at a theater near you?

It's time we understood and accepted that we make different movies; movies that suit the sensibilities of a billion plus Indians. And it is more important to remember that we'll get there. It takes time; everything does so why should the sensible movie-making business be any different? We are already seeing a resurgence of a new wave of cinema, akin to the one that permeated the Indian Film Fraternity in the 1970s to the 80s. It's not as dramatic and drastic as its 70-80s Parallel Cinema counterpart but is competitively hard-hitting and more in tune with commercial viability and the need to reach a plethora of audiences, not just a targeted viewer. It is made of people who have been brought up on movies; people who eat, drink, sleep cinema; people who understand not just the craft but the art of making films. So, even if such people make a few glitches on the path to glory, even if they stumble and slip on their way to stardom, even if they succeed in bringing only a quarter of the world to India's doorstep, so what? They'll ensure that the journey is memorable- and what's more, they'll take us along on this roller coaster.

So, why exactly am I an idiot? Simply because I believe- believe that even if Awl isn't well, Awl will be well. As they say Dil Idiot Hai, Pyaar Se Usko Samjha Le!

To an even brighter, bigger, brainier Bollywood in 2010! Amen!!!