
Friday, October 8, 2010

10 Reasons Why People Create A Blog And Then Ignore It

Reason 10: Somebody (of course a well wisher with the sincerest intentions) told them that they can write.

Reason 9: They know and believe that they can write.

Reason 8: They are laziness-personified. They idolize Garfield and believe that inherent lethargy is a genetic trait that cannot and should not be messed with. They like to stretch the idea that a personal blog can never be updated, to its maximum limit so that the idea itself snaps with a loud creak. Was it that or the sound made by suddenly moving bones that have been idle for ages?

Reason 7: They, by fluke, once sent a piece of their work that they really despised, to an online writing reviewer/tutor. The tutor appreciated and encouraged their work but they firmly believe that the tutor was a habitual drunk who cannot be trusted.

Reason 6: They have a personal TV recently moved in their room. They watch one series after another and the re-runs and end up being zonked out and in general an idiot.

Reason 5: They think they can write.

Reason 4: They get the weirdest issues to resolve at work. They end up replacing a single beautiful simplest line of code in the world with 30 lines of the wackiest ugliest piece of code every seen by humankind. And then ensuring that this clutter ends up looking the same on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and whatever-is-the-name-of-the-newest-browser. Not that anyone said that office hours (total hours minus hours spent taking tea/lunch/chit-chat/loo breaks) are meant for writing blogs but that's not what we are talking about, are we?

Reason 3: And if killer work is not trying to strangulate them, it's Mother Nature taking her revenge. Sometimes the scorching sun tries to fry them, other times vengeful clouds attempt to drown them. As if Delhi traffic and roads were not enough to bring them in close contact with death everyday, the climate decided to join the slaughter party too.

Reason 2: They have the attention span of a fly. There are so many things happening in the immediate surroundings that it becomes humanly impossible for them to retain their focus. And so when they are trying to keep up with world events, they have a dekko at other writers' blogs and repeatedly question their self what was I thinking and then, more importantly, why was I thinking?

Reason 1: They feel they can write.


Unknown said...

Nice analysis wats ur reason to ignore ur blog..!!!

Sheetal said...

Very well written and well composed with nice subtle humor. Nice template however you need to adapt the font color of "About me" accordingly to make it easily readable.
Happy writing!!

Gchan said...

i think even i can write...:)